What is coming in Version 4?

Oct 09, 2014

Email Lookup
The Phone Lookup for finding a Customer, Creditor or Contact from a phone number has been popular and we have improved this to show the Customer, Creditor or Contact name in a Party Name column.

More and more contact these days is via email, and we have had requests for a similar Email Lookup facility. On the toolbar in Version 4 you will find an Email Lookup button - type or paste in an email address and select lookup to display a list of all Customer, Creditor, Contact and Sales Person records that match. Double click a record or press ENTER to select a record and open the associated form. The lookup searches for an exact (case insensitive) match on the email address as it appears in the record.

Lookups in Filters
Filters have always been a powerful way to find or report on exactly the information you need, but you needed to know exactly what criteria you wanted to filter on. In Version 4 you can lookup codes, periods and contacts inside filters. For example, to filter your Invoices for those relating to a particular Sales Person, open the Invoice filter, select SalesPersonCode in the Field Name, and you can Lookup to select the desired Sales Person in the criteria. The lookup can be used to select more than one code or ID in the criteria – just type a comma after selecting the first one and then drop the lookup again to select another.

More Word Lookups
We’ve added Word Lookups for AP Expense Codes, AR Sales Groups, CB Analysis Codes and Bank Accounts, and in Saturn for Branches, Departments and Stock Locations. The name is indexed by default in each case.

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