
 Ferret and Accredo help Normans reduce AP administration
Sep 20, 2022

Long-standing Accredo customer freight transport and storage company, Normans, is steadily modernising its IT systems and business processes to manage growth and simplify operations. One of its crucial recent improvements is adding the accounts payable (AP) invoicing solution from Ferret Software (Ferret) to its Accredo system.

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 Vela Software Group acquires Accredo Business Software
Sep 02, 2022

Vela Software Group, trading through its subsidiary Vela Asia Pacific, has today announced the acquisition of Accredo Business Software Limited. Accredo is a comprehensive accounting and business management solution used by SMEs across Australia and New Zealand.

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 Strong customer interest in cloud hosting
May 12, 2022

In the last 12 months, the number of customers wanting information about hosting Accredo in the cloud has grown. This has increased considerably since the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hosting Accredo in the cloud is a good option for those who wish to futureproof their flexibility to work from home or from multiple office locations.

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 Hanmer Springs accounts payable integration soothes aches and pains of invoice processing
Sep 28, 2021

Accredo customer, Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa (Hanmer Springs), has simplified its accounts payable processes by integrating invoice automation software from Lentune Software

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 Cheques are disappearing
Mar 15, 2021

We have been working on a variety of changes to allow cheques to quietly disappear from Accredo as New Zealand banks move to stop accepting them.

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 Know your numbers - Information powers growth
Aug 04, 2020

When it comes to growing a successful business, few things are as important as having a clear picture of where your business is at and an equally clear plan for where it’s going. That’s where a good accounting software package comes in.

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 Revaluing Inventory in Accredo to reflect changes in Exchange Rates
Apr 06, 2020

With the inevitable fluctuations in foreign currency during these uncertain times, now is a good time to clarify in more detail the way stock revaluations for stock that was purchased in foreign currency are handled within Accredo.

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 Accredo launches mobile inventory app
Jul 29, 2019

Accredo has launched a new mobile inventory application designed for staff working in the warehouse who need to do a range of inventory tasks.

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 Make sales simple with Accredo accounting software
Mar 20, 2019

Sales are the lifeblood of all growing organisations. But as every New Zealand SME knows keeping them pumping is not that simple. Any number of external factors – new competitors, economic slowdowns, supplier issues – can negatively impact your sales success. For that reason, it is vital to have tight oversight over elements of the sales cycle that you control.

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 Accredo simplifies business on the move with web services module and mobile sales app
Nov 12, 2018

Accredo has released a web services module that makes it easier for customers to have mobile apps or browser-based interfaces developed that talk to Accredo remotely. It has also released a mobile sales app that gives customers the ability to enter data in real time wherever the need dictates.

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 Enhancements in Version 5 make the working day that much easier
Nov 07, 2018

Along with security enhancements and extra GST filing capabilities, Accredo’s Version 5 software release is packed with improvements that will simplify life for heavy system users.

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 Accredo Version 5 ships
Oct 31, 2018

Version 5, the latest software release from New Zealand owned and operated accounting solution provider, Accredo, has shipped to customers.

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 Accredo Version 5 scheduled to ship
Sep 28, 2018

Version 5, the latest software release from New Zealand owned and operated accounting solution provider, Accredo, significantly enhances system security and is one of the first software packages giving customers the ability to electronically file GST returns.

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 Accredo carefully assessing the new provisional tax option from IRD
Apr 09, 2018

No doubt many Accredo users will have heard about AIM (Accounting Income Method), a new provisional tax option the New Zealand Inland Revenue department made available from 1 April 2018.

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 User accessibility and improved email control feature in latest build
Oct 24, 2017

Increasing user accessibility is a key focus of the latest version of Accredo’s software (It can be downloaded here), which now supports high Dots Per Inch (DPI) for Windows. This means users can now scale Accredo on their screen to greater magnifications - 125%, 150%, etc. The Accredo scaling does not affect the general Windows scaling setting a user may have in place – Accredo operates its own scaling on top of the Windows control.

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 Think Water New Plymouth takes top franchise prize
Sep 04, 2017

Accredo customer, Think Water New Plymouth, has won the 2017 Think Water Franchise of the Year award and co-owner Angela Bevan says the time-saving functions in Accredo’s accounting software have helped keep the business in winning shape.

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 Beware, ransomware is on the rise
Mar 03, 2017

Ransomware viruses, such as CryptoLocker, are causing trouble for an increasing number of New Zealand businesses. Accredo Channel Manager, Kevin Carberry, says Accredo customers should take the threat of infection very seriously.

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 Latest accounting software build packed with improvements for users
Mar 03, 2017

Accredo’s latest accounting software build is one of its most comprehensive, delivering new or improved features across most modules. As always, many of these enhancements came about as a result of customer feedback. We always take customer suggestions and requests seriously, as they are key to ensuring the software is continually made easier and better to use.

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 Take precautions to protect against ransomware
Jul 11, 2016

Another reminder to customers to be on the alert for ransomware – an evolving type of malware that is becoming more common. It encrypts data files and then demands payment within a time limit to decrypt the information. We are aware of a number of recent infections amongst Accredo clients, since it is often first noticed when frequently used files, e.g. Accredo data, is accessed. Everyone is vulnerable and there is nothing we can do after it has struck.

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 Units of measure added to Accredo Foodstuffs integration
Apr 12, 2016

Accredo recently updated its Foodstuffs B2B integration to utilise units of measure (UOM) – a move that simplifies order fulfilment for Accredo customers who supply product to the New Zealand owned supermarket operator.

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 Watch how Xtracta works with Accredo
Feb 24, 2016

Accredo Version 4 release provides customers with integration to a service that automates data extraction from scanned, photographed and digital documents.

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 Catching up with our nationwide dealers
Dec 07, 2015

One of the things Accredo's resellers appreciate about the company is the fact we take time to visit them several times a year for a face-to-face catch up.

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 Business as usual with Windows 10
Aug 10, 2015

Just a short note to reassure customers that the recent launch of Microsoft Windows 10 should not present any difficulties with regard to the way your Accredo system functions.

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 New features and usability enhancements in Accredo Version 4 well received
Jun 29, 2015

Accredo Version 4 is generating a positive response from resellers and customers according to Accredo Channel Manager, Kevin Carberry. “We are pleased the way the new release has been received. We set out to make the software easier, faster and better to use, and the feedback we are getting from our customer base and partners is that we have achieved that aim.”

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 Accredo Version 4 accounting software has shipped
Mar 09, 2015

Accredo's latest software release, Version 4, is now available. Accredo customers who have an up-to-date software subscription will be receiving a comprehensive release pack in the post next week, which explains what the new features are and why we think they are important. Once they have read these, customers wishing to upgrade should contact their QSP to learn more about the enhancements available and discuss the most suitable time to undertake the upgrade.

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 Accredo Version 4 accounting software provides integration with Xtracta data extraction service
Mar 02, 2015

Accredo’s Version 4 release provides customers with integration to a service that automates data extraction from scanned, photographed and digital documents.

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 New resellers join Accredo family
Jan 29, 2015

Accredo is proud to welcome the following new Qualified Support People (QSP). Our nationwide network of QSPs is accredited to provide consultation, implementation and support services for Accredo Mercury and Saturn.

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 Version 4 offers improved navigation for full screen users
Dec 16, 2014

A key benefit of the upcoming Version 4 Accredo release is the introduction of a ‘dockable’ Navigator, says Accredo’s Channel Manager, Kevin Carberry. “The changes we have made to the Navigator will give our users who like to work in full screen the freedom to move more easily around the system.”

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 Special pricing tutorial
Nov 21, 2014

Accredo's Special Pricing (SP) module allows you to solve pricing problems simply, flexibly, transparently and powerfully. Using the attached guide you, or your QSP, can learn how to deliver consistent pricing across your organisation.

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 What is coming in Version 4?
Oct 09, 2014

A focus of the release we are working on is making it (even) easier and quicker to find what you need to know. Here are some of the improvements designed to speed up tasks.

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 Beware of CryptoWall ransomware
Aug 11, 2014

This is a general warning to customers about ransomware. This has been in the news a lot this year and quite recently we have had two customers hit by the latest incarnation – CryptoWall. It is a particularly nasty piece of work that all users should look out for and take extra precautions against.

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 How does withdrawal of support for Microsoft XP and Server 2003 affect Accredo?
Apr 17, 2014

I have been fielding a number of calls regarding Microsoft's withdrawl of support for XP and Server 2003 and how it affects Accredo. Customers who still use these should know that we won’t be testing new builds or versions of Accredo on Windows XP or Server 2003, and won’t be listing them as supported Operating Systems.

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 Dashboard feature in latest version provides instant visibility into business performance
Dec 10, 2013

The enhanced functionality of Accredo’s Forms Designer and Report Designer modules, available in the latest release, provide customers with easier access to key information and improved reporting flexibility.

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 Analysis report tutorial
Oct 21, 2013

Reporting is one of the key strengths of the Accredo system. Using the attached guide you, or your QSP, can learn how to create Sales Analysis, Job Analysis and Purchase Analysis reports in Accredo.

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 "With Accredo we never get stuck for an answer"
Oct 10, 2013

Jason Weaver, the founder of business software systems supplier Zeal Systems, knows the problems growing organisations encounter when they attempt to introduce new business processes. As a trained chartered accountant he has tinkered with many different accounting software packages – trying to stretch their functionality to incorporate different ways of doing business. Read the full case study.

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 An accounting system that gives business room to grow
Sep 24, 2013

When it comes to crunching the numbers, a chartered accountant’s job is made easier when a client’s accounting software is ‘fit for purpose’ – appropriate to the size and nature of the business and providing information that business owners need to fulfill their strategy.

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 New version of Accredo available with 64-bit and 32-bit clients
Aug 07, 2013

The latest version of Accredo, currently in beta, will be available with both 64-bit and 32-bit clients. The general release version will be shipping shortly and customers wishing to upgrade should contact their QSPs.

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 Handy new features in latest release
Aug 06, 2013

Version 3.6 features a number of enhancements to the Accredo system. Some of these are a direct result of user feedback, from customers and QSPs, and are designed to make Accredo simpler than ever to use. Here’s a quick rundown on three which will help make your life easier.

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 Accredo helps us help our customers
Jul 09, 2013

In business the personal touch can make all the difference. It aids communication and builds trust, and it is one of the key reasons Jill Garrett remains loyal to Accredo.

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 Feature round up
Apr 19, 2013

Feature round up highlights some of the recent enhancements we have made to the Accredo software. Some of these are a direct result of user feedback, from customers and QSPs, and are designed to make Accredo simpler than ever to use.

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 Swift response provides lesson in good customer service
Nov 12, 2012

Software enhancements completed in double quick time are helping a New Zealand Crown Agency run complex general ledger reports in under a minute.

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 Clever new features make life simpler for Accredo users
Aug 06, 2012

The latest Accredo build features some clever new features including consolidated batch emailing for invoices, the option to print product labels directly from a document and the ability to copy and view budgets in the general ledger. Read the user support notes.

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 More QSPs join the Accredo family
Aug 03, 2012

Accredo is proud to welcome the following new Qualified Support People (QSP) in New Zealand. QSPs are accredited to provide consultation, implementation and support services for Accredo Mercury and Saturn. No matter where your business is located, there is an Accredo QSP near you.

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 Accredo simplifies ordering with B2B integration to GXS
May 22, 2012

Accredo has completed a key piece of business-to-business integration that allows customers who supply products to some of Australasia’s largest retail companies to streamline their ordering processes.

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 Accredo simplifies ordering with B2B integration to GXS
May 22, 2012

Accredo has completed a key piece of business-to-business integration that allows customers who supply products to some of Australasia’s largest retail companies to streamline their ordering processes.

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 Accredo opens Australian head office
Apr 27, 2012

Accredo, provider of business management software to small and medium sized companies across Australasia announced today that it is ramping up its presence in the Australian market. The firm, which has been providing business and accounting solutions to growing companies for over 30 years, has opened an Australian head office in Melbourne and appointed Ian Crates as CEO of its Australian business.

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 Accredo opens Australian head office
Apr 27, 2012

Accredo is ramping up its presence in the Australian market, opening a head office in Melbourne and appointing Ian Crates as CEO of its Australian business. Accredo General Manager, Tish Brindle, says Accredo already has a foothold in the Australian market with around 20 Australian customers currently using the software.

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 Release 3.5 ready to ship to customers
Nov 28, 2011

Accredo’s latest software version, Release 3.5, is now available and customers will be receiving their information packs with supporting release notes shortly.

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 Who's on the other end of the phone?
Sep 08, 2011

Did you know Accredo can be integrated with your telephony system? This is a handy CRM feature that works well for businesses running call centres or simply where a significant proportion of business is undertaken on the phone.

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 Release 3.5 enters beta testing phase
Aug 15, 2011

Our latest software version, Release 3.5, is now with our nationwide network of QSPs for beta testing. If you are interested in installing the beta version and taking the new functionality for a test drive, please contact your QSP.

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 Instant data transfer from field to office improves job processing and cash collection
Nov 05, 2010

Accredo is making it easier and faster for trade services businesses to transfer information from the field to the office, thanks to a new integration point with the simPRO Mobile digital pen application.

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 New Accredo release reduces chore of accommodating GST rate change
Aug 09, 2010

Accredo is encouraging customers to upgrade to its latest software version, Release 3.2, as it will make the transition to the new GST regime smoother for business owners.

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 Alterations to GST rate 'no sweat' for Accredo customers
Apr 01, 2010

The widely anticipated rise in Goods and Services Tax (GST) expected to occur later this year shouldn't be a cause for concern for users of the Accredo system, says Accredo General Manager, Tish Brindle.

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 Accredo to provide pathway to smoother order processing for Progressive Enterprises’ suppliers
Dec 03, 2009

Accredo will soon complete a key piece of business-to-business software integration that allows customers who supply products to Progressive Enterprises’ supermarkets to automate ordering and significantly reduce their paper processing.

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 One of Accredo’s most loyal customers signs off after more than 20 years
Dec 03, 2009

One of Accredo’s longest standing customers is closing his account after using the software for more than 20 years to run his successful Dannevirke pharmacy business.

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 Accredo plays nice with MYOB’s practice management software
Dec 03, 2009

The latest update from Accredo features a new option that makes it easier for accountants to import Accredo data into their MYOB practice management software.

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 Latest release of Accredo software helps NZ businesses grapple with fluctuating Kiwi dollar
May 01, 2009

Accredo has launched Version 3.0 of its business software solution, featuring full foreign exchange functionality.

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 Accredo provides pathway to smoother order processing for Foodstuffs' suppliers
Apr 01, 2009

Accredo has completed a key piece of business-to-business software integration that allows customers who supply products to Foodstuffs’ supermarkets to automate ordering and significantly reduce their paper processing.

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