Track revenue with full visibility into customer buying habits. Take control over invoicing with sophisticated automation to reduce data entry. Improve customer order fullfillment and solve pricing problems. Produce comprehensive reports to analyse your business performance. Improve operations in the field with mobile invoicing.
Sales includes the following modules:Mobile Sales Application
The Accredo Mobile Sales (MS) application is designed for salespeople that are out and about visiting customers. It has a familiar mobile user experience and meets Android and iOS standards for mobile functionality.
It enables transactions to be entered on the move in real time, so you can invoice wherever the need dictates, rather than taking information back to the office to be rekeyed. Raise invoices, quotes, duplicate invoices, credits and print packing slips – right in front of the customer.
It is a streamlined version of Accredo’s full-function desktop invoicing module. It has a simple, intuitive design and lets you access key data and functionality needed to successfully process a sale. Key customer details, product quantities and images, as well as price lists are all available at your fingertips. Create new customers and orders on the spot. Pre-loaded reports are available from the app home screen, giving your salespeople instant access to key information to make sales and track progress.
Available for download from Google Play (Android) and the Apple App Store (iOS).
Accredo's Invoicing (IN) module gives you complete control over your invoice, quotation and packing slip documents, including what they look like, what information they contain and how you format and send them.
With wide-ranging permissions, you decide whether to retain maximum control or provide complete flexibility over who can view, edit, enter, delete and print your documents, while the sophisticated automation and duplication functions reduce data entry and improve accuracy in your system.
The IN module is also a mine of information - when combined with Accredo's Sales Analysis, you can analyse your invoicing data in whatever way is useful to you to improve customer contact and be more proactive about selling.
Shipping details and links to shippers' websites within invoices make it fast and convenient to keep track of parcels and follow up if things go astray.
In today’s competitive market, looking good is crucial. Use the document designers included in Accredo’s IN module to design your own invoices, credit notes, quotes, packing slips and more, reinforcing your branding and saving on pre-printed document costs.
Accredo’s document designers also give you control over the content of your documents – create different versions for different situations – detailed invoices for big customers, summarised for those who hate paperwork. Use global narratives to quickly enter large blocks of text such as descriptions of work, instructions or warnings, or use scripting to add extra information automatically for certain products or customers.
Once you have created your invoices, quotes, packing slips, print each one individually and immediately, or print them in batches at the end of each day, week or month. You don’t even have to print them at all – instead, email them straight to your customers as PDF files, and save electronic copies for your own reference. With up to 99 years’ history, you can reopen and print or reprint individual items or batches at any time.
Special Pricing
Accredo's Special Pricing (SP) module allows you to solve pricing problems simply, flexibly, transparently and powerfully.
Use SP to deliver consistent pricing across your organisation - no more relying on staff to remember what products are on special this week, and no more depending on the boss to tell staff about ad hoc pricing agreed with individual customers. Once a special pricing rule is added, it is automatically applied every time a transaction meeting the rule's criteria is added. And if there is more than one rule, priorities and background scripting give you complete control over which one takes precedence.
If your customers demand the best prices, you need to deliver - or risk losing their business to your competitors. Accredo's SP makes it easy and foolproof to ensure that your customers get the deal you promised them, and still protect your bottom line.
Accredo’s SP lets you bill the correct prices simply and consistently – whatever the pricing structure of your business. The possibilities include:
Contract pricing
When your sales rep (or your boss) promises your best customer a certain price on one or more products, or a certain discount over a range of products, use your Accredo SP system to be sure that promise is always honoured and your customer is always charged the price they expect.
Time-based specials
Enter details of weekly or monthly specials in advance and at your leisure using Accredo’s SP. Just specify start and end dates and Accredo will apply the correct prices to every order or invoice dated within the period specified – no need to turn anything on or off, or change the standard prices in your system.
Buying / Loyalty Groups
Use the AR Customer Category as one of the criteria for Accredo SP to ensure that everyone who is a member of a buying or loyalty group gets the special price they are entitled to.
Quantity breaks
If you reward your customers for buying in bulk, Accredo’s SP lets you set up different prices for different quantities, so the correct prices are automatically applied depending on the quantity invoiced.
Cost-plus pricing
If you are at the mercy of fluctuating foreign exchange rates, or frequently add margins to costs associated with jobs, use Accredo’s SP to add a percentage to your cost prices per product, product group or job. You can also set up fixed or sell-minus prices if required.
Sales Analysis
Accredo's Sales Analysis and Purchase Analysis (SA and PA) are the data mining modules of your system. The wizard-style selection forms allow any authorised user to easily extract the detail they need from the mass of valuable information in your system in order to analyse your business's past performance and plan for future growth.
Save, reload, refine and re-save as many reports as you need to obtain everything from summarised overviews to precisely focused detailed reports. Print or email your SA/PA reports, or export them to MS Excel for further modification.
Because SA analyses the history in your Invoicing and Order Entry modules, and PA analyses history from your Purchase Orders module, you can report on all the data already in your system as soon as you add the SA/PA module; and continue analysing new data as it is entered.
See the forest AND the trees
If you can’t get enough information from your business data to make informed decisions, or you are suffering from information overload and there’s just too much detail, then Accredo’s SA/PA module is for you. You don’t have to be an IT specialist to run it – just select the data you want to report on, click Run and Accredo will give you as much or as little information as you require. And if you need more, less or different data, just tweak the wizard and click again. The more you narrow your focus, the faster the results.
Start with an overview
Use SA/PA to analyse your Gross Profit and Margins on a monthly, weekly, or even a daily basis, and compare figures with those for previous periods, or for the same time last year. If you include it in a report list, you won’t even have to think about it – it will just arrive on your desk in the format you have specified – paper, PDF, or even as an Excel spreadsheet.
Get down to the nitty gritty
If the figures in your overview reports are vastly different from what you expected, or you have an ad hoc enquiry, use SA/PA for a detailed analysis by customer, product, sales group or any other criteria that is useful to you. Is one of your sales reps letting you down? Do you need to re-order a particular product because it is selling faster then expected? What is your best customer worth to you? Did somebody make a data entry error? Whatever your question, Accredo will provide the answer immediately, so you can act immediately. And you can save the query so it will be available to you next week, month or year when you have a similar problem.
Order Entry
Accredo's Order Entry (OE) module allows you to manage your stock efficiently and still meet your customers' needs - delivering what they want, when they want it, while keeping the amount you have tied up in inventory to a minimum.
Create the documents you need - order forms, packing slips, address labels - accurately and organised the way you need them, to get stock in and out the door as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Maximise repeat business, realise as many potential sales as possible, and keep your customers coming back for more with Accredo's standing orders, back orders and forward orders.
Improve your service to customers and increase your profits over time by monitoring stock movement and keeping track of items you were not able to supply.
Achieve fufilment
When a customer places an order to be filled immediately, you will ideally have everything in stock. But it’s not a perfect world, so use Accredo OE to place unavailable items on back order. Because you decide when and how to fulfil them, you control freight costs and how orders are prioritised. For example, for large, high value items, fulfil as soon as each individual item arrives in stock; for smaller, low value products, wait until the entire order is available before fulfilling; or compromise and dispatch whenever the entire quantity of each item becomes available. Fulfil the oldest, biggest or smallest orders first, or assign priority levels to your customers and serve the ones who order regularly and pay promptly first – especially if supplies are limited. Automatically fulfil back orders if you have enough stock for all your customers, or do a query run if stock is limited and you need to juggle a little.
Accounts Receivable
Accredo's Accounts Receivable (AR) module provides you with a powerful customer database which allows you to comprehensively manage your customer and sales information.
Use the tools in AR to communicate proactively with your customers, be it with promotions, offers, or to solve credit problems before they get out of hand.
Custom-design your statements to promote your brand and provide your customers with the information they want, in the format they want it in.
Manage and monitor your sales team to ensure you (and they) are properly rewarded for their efforts.
Obtain detailed reports on customers and sales, either individually or in groups, to keep your finger on the pulse of your business and stay one step ahead of the competition.
Note: Typically, AR is combined with IN to allow preparation and printing of invoices and full functionality described here.
Contact the right person
Whether your reason for contact is sales or credit related, promotional or just social, Accredo’s unlimited contacts per customer allow you to quickly get in touch with the right person for every situation.
Take the right approach
You can use traditional methods such as mail, telephone or fax to keep in touch with your customers, or save money and time by emailing documents in batches or individually to your cybersavvy customers.
Preserve your links
Accredo makes it easy to keep track of communications and other information relating to individual customers – just create a hyper link from the customer record to the file and you can quickly retrieve and view it at any time.
Deliver the goods
Promises can clinch a deal, but delivering on them will keep your customers coming back for more. With an unlimited number of delivery addresses in Accredo for each customer, you can quickly and efficiently deliver to the right place at the right time, every time.
Simplify your system
Avoid clutter in your Accredo system by tagging one-time/infrequent customers as inactive. You choose whether to include them in lookups and reports, and you can reactivate them at any time.
Your customers are one of your most valuable assets, so it’s vital to protect them, and yourself, from breaches of privacy. Accredo gives you total control over who can access your customer information – show or hide account balances and sales history; permit or forbid access to customer records, sales reports and more.

Much more than just a compliant accounting system, Accredo allows you to work the way you want to. Our software can be tailored to suit exactly the way your business operates – it doesn't force you into a one-size fits all solution.
Much more than just a compliant accounting system, Accredo allows you to work the way you want to. Our software can be tailored to suit exactly the way your business operates – it doesn't force you into a one-size fits all solution.
Two key strengths of Accredo are the depth of reporting available in the system and the full foreign currency support that is embedded in all relevant Accredo modules.
Two key strengths of Accredo are the depth of reporting available in the system and the full foreign currency support that is embedded in all relevant Accredo modules.