Keep in touch with your suppliers and track what you owe with Accredo’s powerful creditor database. Manage inwards goods and services from purchase orders through to receipting and invoicing. Extract summarized overviews and detailed reports about your purchasing history.
Purchasing includes the following modules:Purchase Analysis
Accredo's Sales Analysis and Purchase Analysis (SA and PA) are the data mining modules of your system. The wizard-style selection forms allow any authorised user to easily extract the detail they need from the mass of valuable information in your system in order to analyse your business's past performance and plan for future growth.
Save, reload, refine and re-save as many reports as you need to obtain everything from summarised overviews to precisely focused detailed reports. Print or email your SA/PA reports, or export them to MS Excel for further modification.
Because SA analyses the history in your Invoicing and Order Entry modules, and PA analyses history from your Purchase Orders module, you can report on all the data already in your system as soon as you add the SA/PA module; and continue analysing new data as it is entered.
See the forest AND the trees
If you can’t get enough information from your business data to make informed decisions, or you are suffering from information overload and there’s just too much detail, then Accredo’s SA/PA modules are for you. You don’t have to be an IT specialist to run them – just select the data you want to report on, click Run and Accredo will give you as much or as little information as you require. And if you need more, less or different data, just tweak the wizard and click again. The more you narrow your focus, the faster the results.
Start with an overview
Use SA/PA to analyse your Gross Profit and Margins on a monthly, weekly, or even a daily basis, and compare figures with those for previous periods, or for the same time last year. If you include it in a report list, you won’t even have to think about it – it will just arrive on your desk in the format you have specified – paper, PDF, or even as an Excel spreadsheet.
Get down to the nitty gritty
If the figures in your overview reports are vastly different from what you expected, or you have an ad hoc enquiry, use SA/PA for a detailed analysis by customer, product, sales group or any other criteria that is useful to you. Is one of your sales reps letting you down? Do you need to re-order a particular product because it is selling faster then expected? What is your best customer worth to you? Did somebody make a data entry error? Whatever your question, Accredo will provide the answer immediately, so you can act immediately. And you can save the query so it will be available to you next week, month or year when you have a similar problem.
Purchase Ordering
Accredo's Purchase Orders (PO) module provides a foolproof means of managing your inward goods and services, from creating and sending orders in PO through to receipting and invoicing shipments in Accredo's Accounts Payable (AP) module.
Reduce data entry and minimise potential errors with the many automation options designed to save money and time for you and your suppliers.
Control your costs and plan effectively for the future with sophisticated reporting options that combine data from PO and other modules.
Keep your finger on the pulse of your inwards goods orders to be sure you are getting what you pay for and know you can deliver on promises to your customers.
Re-use, reduce, recycle
Accredo helps you to make the most of your time when processing orders. Enter a request for quotation in Accredo, and, when your supplier confirms prices and quantities, simply retrieve the quotation request and create your purchase order
without re-keying any information – just delete or alter anything that has changed. Then, when goods arrive, enter a shipment in Accounts Payable (AP) and receipt against one or more purchase orders in Accredo Purchase Orders (PO).
Copy to avoid duplication
Do you order the same items, such as stationery and consumables, time after time? Set up a standing order template in Accredo, listing all your favourite products, and save yourself the time and trouble of re-entering them each time. Or copy your previous order and save it as a new one to achieve the same effect. Just fill in the required quantities for each item, click once to delete any nil lines and your order is ready to send.
Reprice in a trice
Did a supplier decrease their prices or offer you a better discount structure? Or perhaps the exchange rate moved in your favour? Take advantage immediately by automatically repricing your purchase orders once you have updated cost pricing in Inventory Control (IC).
Let your system do the reordering
When combined with Accredo’s IC module (as is typical), a single click on the purchase order entry form will automatically include all items from this supplier where the quantity available in IC is less than the minimum specified. Save the purchase order as is to restock all items to the maximum quantity, or edit before saving as required.
Accounts Payable
Accredo's Accounts Payable (AP) module provides a powerful creditor database which allows you to keep in touch with your suppliers, track what you owe to whom and control when and how payments are made.
Break down expenses and report on them in a way that suits your business to manage overheads and maximise your profits.
Keep abreast of shipments and payments made against them, and know the purchase value of your goods and services at any time.
Track what you bought and who you bought it from, and automatically pull all the details through to your General Ledger.
Control your GST payments with foolproof analysis to help you get it right, and simple reporting to help you see exactly what was analysed where.
Pay the easy way
Accredo makes remittance of your accounts easy, no matter what method of payment you or your suppliers prefer. Set up a default method of payment for each creditor, then pay electronically or print cheques and/or remittances as appropriate. You can easily change the payment method for individual payments, or alter the default method for a creditor at the click of a button.
Pay it your way
Accredo’s electronic payments function works with all major New Zealand banks and you choose whether to email remittances individually or in batches; print and post them out; or not send any at all. For manual payments, design your own printed documents, with cheque and remittance designers included with your AP module.
Pay one, pay all
Control payments easily, with separate approval and generation processes to deal with batches by due date, payment method or any other criteria you choose to apply. One-off payments can be entered directly as either payment or cash purchase transactions, which update both the creditor and Cash Book immediately.
Pay in your time
If cashflow is occasionally a little tight, prioritise payments according to the level assigned each creditor to ensure that essential services are maintained. And remain one step ahead when discussing payments with creditors, with up to 99 years payment history available in handy graph or grid form. Combined with the Cash Book (CB) module, Accredo’s AP also provides extended cashflow reporting.

Much more than just a compliant accounting system, Accredo allows you to work the way you want to. Our software can be tailored to suit exactly the way your business operates – it doesn't force you into a one-size fits all solution.
Much more than just a compliant accounting system, Accredo allows you to work the way you want to. Our software can be tailored to suit exactly the way your business operates – it doesn't force you into a one-size fits all solution.
Two key strengths of Accredo are the depth of reporting available in the system and the full foreign currency support that is embedded in all relevant Accredo modules.
Two key strengths of Accredo are the depth of reporting available in the system and the full foreign currency support that is embedded in all relevant Accredo modules.