Release Notes

Accredo 7 – Version


AP - Accounts Payable

Added Find Order button to Add Order Lines form on AP Shipment.

CB - Cash Book

For AP Cash Purchase inserted to match an Unmatched Statement line from CB Reconciliation prevent changes to Payment Date triggered by change to Invoice date.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Check for expiry of refresh token and prompt for login before batch email when using Microsoft 36 web for email.

Add html formatting to source viewer.

GL - General Ledger

GL Report Wizard generates DrillDownCode and DrillDownTable properties for Account Code and Account Name, and in Saturn for Branch Code, Branch Name, Department Code and Department Name.

Fix introduced issue with Find in GL Batches Account field not using a GL Code field.

IC - Inventory Control

Improve when Lot No is entered for outward tracking and location (Saturn only) is bin tracked.

Add Tracking Transaction Detail report layout under Reports > Inventory Control > Tracking Reports > Add Layout.

Improve Stock Transfer (Saturn only) handling of pending tracking detail for tracked products and locations.

IN - Invoicing System

Accumulate Packing Slip No's in INHEAD Packing Slip No field (to limit of available size) when Invoice Lines relate to multiple OE Packing Slips. i.e. Generate Invoice per is set to Order or Customer.

JC - Job Costing

Make custom number fields added to JCJOB available to the Job Totals panel in the JC Job Form.

MB - Max Basic

Reduce record reads required when adding a single link using AddFileLink function.

Add SetConfigValue function to Environment functions group.

Added UOMActive boolean function to Accounting funcitons group. Returns True if UOM Status is Active, False otherwise.

OE - Order Entry

Accumulate Packing Slip No's in INHEAD Packing Slip No field (to limit of available size) when Invoice Lines relate to multiple OE Packing Slips. i.e. Generate Invoice per is set to Order or Customer.

RE - Report Engine

Table Designer Customisation report layout now reports custom fields in the order they are added to the table rather than alphabetically ordered.

Work around screen report rendering issue in Remote Desktop app for Windows due to virtual video driver returning physical size of device context as 10 x 10 mm.

SP - Special Pricing

Add Find ID button to SP Rule List.

SYS - System

Updated Web Service client provisioning email to send scannable/saveable QR code. This can be scanned with the device camera or loaded from saved files on the device.

TD - Table Designer

Make custom number fields added to JCJOB available to the Job Totals panel in the JC Job Form.

WS - Web Service

Revert company access tokens to system tokens on failed login.


Bug Fix

ALL - All Modules

Fix Transfer from Sub Ledgers not excluding other unposted GL batches from the results Batch List.

Fix replication of toolbar shortcut buttons on Move to / from Main Window.

Fix MDI Window sizing issue on Move to Main Window from floating window.

Fix "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error saving a List View with a dot in the Name.

AP - Accounts Payable

Fix stored Unit field in Document and Batch lines being lost on edit for non-UOM Products when UOM is active and optional.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Fix email token lock issue and change token locking model to use ID's.

Fix out of resources error caused by spellcheck running too frequently in Invoice HTML Designer.

Fix SMTP port timing issue.

IC - Inventory Control

Fix IC Single Count permission issue.

Fix customisation of fields on Tracking band of Product Tracking Reports.

Fix IC Manufacture Batch component lines revering to Base UOM code (and basifying so quantities are still correct) on Edit.

Fix Mercury only error "Setting 'IC\Perm\Transfers not found" on Quantities tab with Pending Manufactures.

Fix permission checks for drill down from IC Pending Transactions on Quantities tab.

Fixed misallocation and miscopy of Unicode Calculated Fields resulting in Access violation, e.g. for TransactionPartyName in IC Transaction lists.

Fix exception message: Field types do not match - copying dmICStocktakeEdit.Details (Description U) to frmICFind.tblMemStockDetails (Description).

IN - Invoicing System

Fix stored Unit field in Document and Batch lines being lost on edit for non-UOM Products when UOM is active and optional.

Fix JC Job Invoicing to apply TransactionType, ComponentCode, CostCentreCode to IN Line after Product Code to prevent loss of that information.

Fix Job Invoicing Due Date and Discount Date calculated against System Date rather than specified Document Date.

JC - Job Costing

Fix JC Job Invoicing to apply TransactionType, ComponentCode, CostCentreCode to IN Line after Product Code to prevent loss of that information.

Fix Job Invoicing Due Date and Discount Date calculated against System Date rather than specified Document Date.

Fix exception message: Field index out of range when duplicating a posted JC Batch.

MB - Max Basic

Fix MemoryTableBuilder not honouring Alignment.

Fix IC Single Count permission issue.

Added new "Unique public variable names" setting to View > Preferences > Trouble-shooting tab. If selected (recommended) then public variables with the same name as a MaxBasic function are disallowed.

Fix memo data navigation object issue.

OE - Order Entry

Fix stored Unit field in Document and Batch lines being lost on edit for non-UOM Products when UOM is active and optional.

PO - Purchase Orders

Fix stored Unit field in Document and Batch lines being lost on edit for non-UOM Products when UOM is active and optional.

RD - Report Designers

Fix Report Designer and HTML editor code editors unicode issue.

Fix issue with report designer writing files using incorrect encoding.

RE - Report Engine

Fix changes to Printer Settings not applied to Printer in Print dialog.

SP - Special Pricing

SP Rule Effective Margin % Calculation on Rule where there is only one break to allow for UOM Code in break.


Fix initialisation of empty string parameters in query engine.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Fix Conversion potentially losing INHEAD Packing Slip No on Invoices generated from OE and then edited to add non OE sourced lines.


Fix various ODBC SQLWCHAR vs SQLCHAR issues.

Fix ODBC lacking support for WChar and WVARCHAR parameters.

ZIP - Backup

Fix System customisation backup recursing in the presence of MyImages.bmp.


Accredo 7 – Version


JC - Job Costing

Allow Standing Purchase Orders to be associated with Standing Jobs, and PO Requests for Quotation to be associated with Quote Jobs.

PO - Purchase Orders

Allow Standing Purchase Orders to be associated with Standing Jobs, and PO Requests for Quotation to be associated with Quote Jobs.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Fix Converters for Locking issue.

XConv - Mercury2Saturn

Fix Converters for Locking issue.

XConv - Saturn2Mercury

Fix Converters for Locking issue.


Improve ODBC Error Messages to include Driver Version.


Bug Fix

IC - Inventory Control

Fix Bin Tracking report layout in Saturn including Non-Diminishing Products.

Fix automation error in Mercury with ICStocktakeSingle form.

WS - Web Service

Fix SPEnquiry WebService endpoint for Unicode CustomerName issue.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Fix conversion for version 6 incorrectly validating Serial No and Lot No.


Fix missing V7 metadata causing Assertion failures.

Fixed connection issue with Unicode ODBC driver when used from PHP / Zend.


Accredo 7 – Version


EM - Email and HTML editor

Add Payment Terms and Discount Terms to HTML Invoice wizard.

Help - HTML Help

File and index differences V6 to V7 documented in the help.

JC - Job Costing

Allow IN Quotes and IN Standing Invoices for Normal JC Jobs when Allow IN Sourced Invoice Lines is selected. Track in JCINV and display on Job Documents tab. Insert menu on JC Job Document tab updated for additional options.

MB - Max Basic

Make MaxBasic Sub and Function Procedures in EDI Import designer and built in Export / Import designers available outside the band / tab they are defined in.

SP - Special Pricing

Fix "Field types do not match" error opening a Rule from SP Rule List.


Bug Fix

CB - Cash Book

Fix possible Access violation importing Bank Statement in 32-bit client.

MB - Max Basic

Fix ListView shortcut with usercode removed not appearing for any user.


Fix SQL Query Builder handling of criteria specified in the QBE grid. Unicode parsing issue.

Fix SQL Unicode issue causing some reports (Job Status report, some others) not to load band records until re-run after regenerate.

TD - Table Designer

Fix "exception message: List index out of bounds (10)" saving a Table from TD in a company which does not have all modules present.

WS - Web Service

Add support for ShortInt fields in web service.

XConv - Accredo Conversion

Remove spurious warning in TD Custom tables conversion "converted with warnings: Custom Domains must have the Lookup field selected".


Accredo 7 – Version

New Feature

ALL - All Modules

Added support for white listed environment variables in Link, Image and Export file paths. White list under Company Settings - Misc tab. Selecting a file from a white listed path automatically replaces with the environment variable.

Added ExpandEnvironmentVariables MaxBasic script function - see help for details.

Add Unicode support to Accredo. Selected fields have been changed from String to UString (i.e. Unicode). This allows entering and storing a much wider range of characters e.g. macrons, accents, Chinese, Japanese and Korean character symbols.

Unicode is a universal character encoding standard. This standard includes roughly 100000 characters to represent characters of different languages. While ASCII uses only 1 byte the Unicode uses 2 to 4 bytes to represent characters. Hence, it provides a very wide variety of encoding but at a cost in data size.

Fields which are now Unicode: Customer & Creditor Names, Address 1 through 5, Product Detail (not Description), Contact Names. Note that the Domains for the fields have changed.

TD also supports UString fields.

Buttons associated with controls (e.g. on lookup controls, amounts etc) are now the same size as those in toolbars.

Added SQL based Transaction lists under the Maintain tab in the Navigator for AR, IC, CB, AP, FA, GL, and JC modules.

Default to restricting master file code valid characters to A-Z, 0-9 as for Serial and Lot Nos. Add settings for permitted Special Characters and Allow Space to module settings. Currently for AR Customer, IC Product, AP Creditor and JC Job Codes. A report of codes which violate the settings is available.

Added Create List View wizard to SQL List forms. Get your list selected, filtered, sorted and grid customised as desired for a specific task then use Create List View to record that and add to the Navigator. List View permission under Company > Scripts controls access, no other scripting permission required, List View shortcuts are automatically associated with the creating user and may be deleted by the user.

EM - Email and HTML editor

Support XOAuth2 authentication for SMTP to allow Microsoft 365 web email options.

HTML Invoice documents for email. Currently for single email only, no batch printing option. Select Destination - Mail Message then Format - HTML Document.

Default HTML Invoice design setting added to IN Settings > Email tab.

Invoice HTML Designer with Wizard under Setup > Invoicing System.

Example HTML Invoice design included.

IC - Inventory Control

JC related fields added to IC Product for JC Transaction Type, JC Cost Centre and JC Component. If set these default in JC transactions and proxies when the product is selected - overrides values in batch header or document panel. The new fields are on the IC Product - Supplemental tab which is the IC Product - Suppliers/Bar Codes tab renamed.

IN - Invoicing System

Added IN, OE and PO settings to control replication of Memos and Links on document workflow stages:

IN - Invoice from Quote

OE - Back Order from Order / Order from Quote / Invoice from Order

PO - Order from Request for Quote

Options are Leave / Move / Replicate. Default is Leave.

JC - Job Costing

Added Job Person table. Job Person code can be assigned to a Job or a JC Batch. Users may have a default Job Person Code assigned. Job Person selection added to Job List and Transaction Batch List.

JC related fields added to IC Product for JC Transaction Type, JC Cost Centre and JC Component. If set these default in JC transactions and proxies when the product is selected - overrides values in batch header or document panel. The new fields are on the IC Product - Supplemental tab which is the IC Product - Suppliers/Bar Codes tab renamed.

OE - Order Entry

Added IN, OE and PO settings to control replication of Memos and Links on document workflow stages:

IN - Invoice from Quote

OE - Back Order from Order / Order from Quote / Invoice from Order

PO - Order from Request for Quote

Options are Leave / Move / Replicate. Default is Leave.

PO - Purchase Orders

Added IN, OE and PO settings to control replication of Memos and Links on document workflow stages:

IN - Invoice from Quote

OE - Back Order from Order / Order from Quote / Invoice from Order

PO - Order from Request for Quote

Options are Leave / Move / Replicate. Default is Leave.

TD - Table Designer

Added a Toolbar to Custom tabs on forms where Accredo tables have been extended with TD. Shortcuts can be assigned to the toolbar.



ALL - All Modules

Default to excluding Deleted documents from Document lists and Tabs with an explicit selection to include them. This means that History and Both Current and History selections exclude Deleted by default.

Memo Lists Type selection changed to a check list box.

Sorting Columns by clicking column header is now a three way cycle: Sort ascending, sort descending, clear sort (or revert to default sort is one is applied).

Added calculated HasLinks and HasMemos fields to grid in SQL based Document, Transaction and Batch Lists.

Save customisation for grids, toolbar buttons and custom tabs now groups users to select from as follows (subject to permissions): Global; Current User; Users or Groups with saved customisations; other Groups (and Roles for grid customisations); other Users.

Accredo form titles / tab captions now indicate Document Class or Transaction Type.

Added Drill Down button to Module Memo lists, User Memo list and Reminder List - drills down to the Account Code the memo is for.

Alt+- while in Tabbed mode opens the context menu for the active tab.

Memo Form - moved the Open Source button into the Form Toolbar.

AP - Accounts Payable

Added Refresh to the AP Approvals grid to refresh loaded transactions for changes made sice loading.

Added Regenerate button to the AP Approvals form, available when not editing, returns to the Selection form with selections loaded.

Added Merge1 through Merge4 60 character unicode "merge" fields to batch email grids and made these available in the Email Editor under a new Custom object. Values can be imported/exported into/from the grid.

Add Consolidate Emails On and Consolidate Attachments settings and options OE Email Confirmations, PO Email Purchase Orders and AP Email Shipments.

AR and AP Allocation forms now default Period to Current Period for the module if System Period is later than current period.

Added Period/Receipt Period/Invoice Period Names as available fields to AP Additional Costs layout.

Ensure IC Integration set to Not Integrated ignores IC Integration Basis for AP Shipments.

AR - Accounts Receivable

Added Merge1 through Merge4 60 character unicode "merge" fields to batch email grids and made these available in the Email Editor under a new Custom object. Values can be imported/exported into/from the grid.

AR and AP Allocation forms now default Period to Current Period for the module if System Period is later than current period.

Added settings for Receipt Discount to Credit Terms tab in AR Settings.

Receipt Discount Calculation (default Selected) controls calculation of discount from Net Receipt based on customer discount terms.

Receipt Discount Allocation (default Unselected) controls whether Discount must be allocated when customer has discount terms set.

Add Default Order No Required AR setting applied to Inserting new Customers.

CB - Cash Book

CB Bank Reconciliation added Show/Hide Reconciled Transactions toggle to the horizontal toolbar between the grids.

Added Default Regime Code for Bank Accounts. If multiple Tax Regimes are used you can specify the Regime Code to default for CB Transactions for the account, regime code can still be changed at the transaction entry form.

Include Statement ID and Reconciled indicator on CB Transaction Form.

CO - Company

Added buttons to CO User Form to Add User as Sales Person, Add User as Store Person and Add User as Job Person.

SYUser and COUser SMTP Name now stored as fields in the User tables, previously stored as settings.

Added Merge1 through Merge4 60 character unicode "merge" fields to batch email grids and made these available in the Email Editor under a new Custom object. Values can be imported/exported into/from the grid.

Add events for COScriptEventForm: OnOpen OnClose BeforeSave AfterSave.

Add an Add User to System button on Users, Groups and Roles form, enabled if Use Single Sign On is selected in Company Settings.

Provide company settings for Nominated Links and Images folders. Options are Company Settings are now System / Company / Nominated. If Nominated is selected the folder path must be specified and be a white listed Environment Variable.

Add Tasks > Company > Enter Memos entry to Navigator for CO Memo Form. Form was already available via other paths.

Company and User email settings updated for new Authentication options. Company settings can be enforced or User level selection permitted. Refer to the help for details,,

DI - Data Interchange

Add explicit transaction type specific Insert methods to data level transaction objects (e.g. InsertReceipt, InsertJournal, InsertInvoice, InsertCredit for ARTransactionData) and deprecate the Insert method (i.e. no longer document but still allow for backward compatibility).

EM - Email and HTML editor

Add Format Painter button to HTML Email Editor.

Allow paste of embedded images.

Remove Mail Integration from View Preferences.

Company Mail Settings updated with Web Mail settings and optionally centralised control for Compose, Send Batch and Send Mailer options.

User Email tab Mail Options for Compose, Send Batch and Send Mailer.

Added Paste as Plain Text (Ctrl+Shift+V) button and Context menu option to HTML email editors.

User Email Settings changes for Mail Options. May be restricted from Company Mail Settings. No Mail preference stored in Registry in V7.

HTML Source may be edited and saved in HTML Email editor.

Clear Formatting and Clear Tags buttons in HTML editors detect selected text and only change formatting within selection. If nothing is selected, then entire document is used as selection.

FD - Form Designer

In FD Designer when you edit a memory table a new Upgrade button has been added. Clicking the button prompts for confirmation and will convert all non Unicode domains to the equivalent Unicode domain if one exists. E.g. Name -> Name U, Address Line 1 -> Address Line 1 U etc.

Include detail of function parameters when a function is inserted from the Functions menu or when # is entered after a Function Name in code editors.

Set working directory for FD and RD when form or report opened in designer by Shortcut > Open Source.

GL - General Ledger

GL Budget Form added a Budget Code selection to Copy Budget Amounts dialog.

Add Default Font selection to GL Financial Report Wizard, The default font is loaded from and saved to Report Properties. Font sizes are calculated as the report is generated.

Add LineNo to GL Iterators for simplified reference to a specific iterator.

Post Status selection for All Batches in Batch Lists for IC, JC and GL now excludes Deleted Batches, use the explicit Deleted selection to view deleted batches.

GL Financial Report Wizard In the Actual > Year menu added options for

Full Year Balance, Full Year Balance Percent, Full Year Balance incl Adjustment and Full Year Balance Percent incl Adjustment.

IC - Inventory Control

Add Total Weight and Total Volume to IC Component Maintenance, and buttons on toolbar to update Weight and Volume on the Manufactured Product from the totals.

Add Weight and Volume / Extended Weight and Volume / Total Weight and Volume to IC Batches,

Add support for Links and Memos on IC Part headers (ICPARTHD).

Add LastTransactionPeriod based Serial and Lot History Pruning so that history prunes in complete Lots and Serial Nos.

Post Status selection for All Batches in Batch Lists for IC, JC and GL now excludes Deleted Batches, use the explicit Deleted selection to view deleted batches.

IC Product Form - none permission for IC > Products > Tracking hides the tracking group on the Product tab.

Added IC Setting to General tab for Generate Outward Tracking. Default is Selected. Strongly recommended if Bin Tracking in Saturn is in use so picking is directed.

Component Of form is available from the Navigator with a Product Code selection, and is script enabled.

Ensure IC Integration set to Not Integrated ignores IC Integration Basis for AP Shipments.

IN - Invoicing System

Add Category Indexes to INHEAD and OEHEAD to support list selections.

Add OrderNo selection to JC Job Invoicing form and to the Form and Data objects. Defaults from the selected Job and may be edited. OrderNo is passed to the generated invoice.

Add IC Store Person Code to IN Invoices and OE Sales Orders.

Improve handling of Packing Slip Count on Processed Orders, and Packing Slip Count to INHEAD for invoices generated from OE.

Allow Default Job Code to be specified for Standing Invoices and Quotations.

JC - Job Costing

Add Time Required to JC Job alongside Date Required field.

Insert and Duplicate on JC Job now Prompt for Job Type. Matching methods added to form and data objects for scripting with the old Insert and Duplicate methods retained but deprecated (i.e. not documented but still functional for backward compatibility). 

Add OrderNo selection to JC Job Invoicing form and to the Form and Data objects. Defaults from the selected Job and may be edited. OrderNo is passed to the generated invoice.

Make Job Name for Default Job Code available to AR Customer and AP Creditor Document tab grids, PO Order List, AP Shipment List and JC Batch List.

Post Status selection for All Batches in Batch Lists for IC, JC and GL now excludes Deleted Batches, use the explicit Deleted selection to view deleted batches.

Job Person selection added to JC Job List.

JC Batch List is now SQL based with Job Person selection.

Add Job Person Code as a JA analysis Type and Job selection.

MB - Max Basic

Add support for Unicode script files. Default Encoding is now UTF8 with BOM.

Saving a file that was loaded as Windows 1252 will retain the Windows 1252 encoding rather then changing to the default encoding.

Added AfterPrint event to INInvoiceData, OEOrderData, POOrderData and APShipmentsData objects. Note: AfterPrint event will automatically put the document in edit mode (if it can be edited). Any changes made to the document inside the event will not require an explicit save. Aborting inside the event will abort any changes made by the user, but not the actual print (which has already happened by this stage), and not the change of the PrintStatus.

FormatNumber now supports terminating comma for format to Thousands.

e.g. in a financial report format $,0,_);($,0,)

Added ConvertAscii function with the following signature

ConvertAscii(UnicodeString: string [, CodePage: Number]) as string

Codepage is 1252 if not explicitly specified.

Report Writer Wizard / SQL Query Builder Wizard added new Selection Styles - FromEqualOrAll and ToEqualOrAll. Use as a pair where a single prompt is wanted for Between parameters in the query which if left blank will select From First to Last.

Add WasInserting property to data level masterfile objects.

Include detail of function parameters when a function is inserted from the Functions menu or when # is entered after a Function Name in code editors.

Added ActivePageName string property to Automated forms with Tabs.

Added MaxBasic functions in Script group:

LinkAccountFiles returns a string list of Tables that are Account files for Links.

MemoAccountFiles returns a string list of Tables that are Account files for Memos.

Add LinksPath and ImagesPath properties to the Company object.

Added OnOpen events for IC > Update Prices forms:

IC Supplier Cost Update

IC Reprice from Components

IC Global Price Update

IC Price List Copy

OE - Order Entry

Add Category Indexes to INHEAD and OEHEAD to support list selections.

Add Consolidate Emails On and Consolidate Attachments settings and options OE Email Confirmations, PO Email Purchase Orders and AP Email Shipments.

Add IC Store Person Code to IN Invoices and OE Sales Orders.

Added new Always Number on Generate setting for Order Entry:

Selected, (default and recommended) the next computer generated Packing slip number will be assigned on Generate Invoice if not assigned previously.

Clear, Packing slip numbers are not assigned on Generate Invoice (i.e. V6 and earlier behaviour.

Note: Selected on conversion from prior releases.

Improve handling of Packing Slip Count on Processed Orders, and Packing Slip Count to INHEAD for invoices generated from OE.

PO - Purchase Orders

Added PO Setting - Allow Ordering Discontinued Products, default unselected, and enforce the setting on Purchase Order entry.

Add Consolidate Emails On and Consolidate Attachments settings and options OE Email Confirmations, PO Email Purchase Orders and AP Email Shipments.

RD - Report Designers

FormatNumber now supports terminating comma for format to Thousands.

e.g. in a financial report format $,0,_);($,0,)

Report Writer Wizard / SQL Query Builder Wizard added new Selection Styles - FromEqualOrAll and ToEqualOrAll. Use as a pair where a single prompt is wanted for Between parameters in the query which if left blank will select From First to Last.

Include detail of function parameters when a function is inserted from the Functions menu or when # is entered after a Function Name in code editors.

Added optional URLExpression property to Picture Components. The image is clickable in pdf's if one is specified.

Set working directory for FD and RD when form or report opened in designer by Shortcut > Open Source.

RE - Report Engine

Display the current printer in print dialogs and allow printer selection from dropdown. Printer is used for Destinations Screen and Printer and for Mail Message or Disk File when Format is Adobe PDF.

SA - Sales Analysis

IC Store Person added as an SA Analysis Level and Document selection.

SP - Special Pricing

Added SP Rule List Form. SQL based list for reviewing rules. Rules may be opened in SP Rule Edit Form for edit using open details.

SYS - System

SYUser and COUser SMTP Name now stored as fields in the User tables, previously stored as settings.

Added Word Lookup to Company List, to locate Company by words in name.

Added System > Prune Audit log option the System menu. Requires Write permission for the Audit Log. Only the ACCREDO system user will have that permission level following data conversion.

Mail Feature Request and Mail Defect Report options under Help menu cc your QSP if QSP email address has been entered under File >Licensee Details,

TD - Table Designer

UpgradeTables function improved validation and non destructive by default.

UpgradeTable(TableName: String, TemplateName: String, [UpdateFields: Boolean, ReplaceSchema: Boolean])

Optional parameters not specified (or false) means

From the template schema, add a new table or add fields to an existing table or add indexes to an existing table or make string fields bigger (all non-destructive operations).

UpdateFields = True means:

Change Field types and sizes to match the template schema - could lose or corrupt data.

ReplaceSchema = True means:

Make the old table match the template schema and best effort with copying data. i.e drop fields, indexes and change fields types and sizes.


Prior version TD Custom tables can be loaded in Table Designer for upgrade to V7 if required. Registered Custom tables are upgraded automatically during V7 data conversion.

Added MaxBasic script function TDExtensible returns a string list of TD extensible Accredo tables.

WS - Web Service

Added FilterSort to Token Cache screen, applied clientside so filtering what is viewed not what is returned.

The following endpoints have been surfaced to the web service:










Add LinksPath and ImagesPath properties to the Company object.


Unicode enable the ODBC & OLEDB Drivers.


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Get the latest updates to Accredo Mercury and Saturn here. Release notes for both products are also available.

Get the latest updates to Accredo Mercury and Saturn here. Release notes for both products are also available.